15 Life Changing Movies For Success- 15 फिल्में जिनको देखने से आप की किस्मत बदल सकती है !

15 Life Changing Movies For Success- 15 फिल्में जिनको देखने से आप की किस्मत बदल सकती है !

Every person in this world is try to achieve success.For achieving success every person work hard in his/her daily life, but because of no target and no knowledge that what he/she do in his/her daily life for achieving success.As you know from total money of this world 95% money is with 5% people and 5% money is with 95% people in this world.Do you know what is the difference between these 5% people and 95% people ? The main difference is thinking,positive approach,who to behave in any situation etc.That life changing ability these 5% success people inbuilt in his/her mind by reading book,attend motivational seminar,watching positive video and movies.

There are lots of movie that give us so many message that how to change our life after watching these movies today we tell you name of that 15 movies if you are watching these movie you are definitely change your life and achieve your life goal.

1. Poorna

      This movie give us a message that age is no issue for achieve success in life.This is a story of Poorna Malavath from Andhra Pradesh India on 25 May 2014 Poorna scales the highest peak of Mount Everest in age of 13 years 10 month became one of the youngest girl in the world.You see this movie with your child and give him a message that if you decide in your mind to achieve success you definitely achieve the same.

   This movie give you a message that how to heal your life how your believe system work and how any of illness come in your body.After watching this movie people from 4th stage cancer also recover so watch this movie this movie available on Netflix and amazon prime.

3.Think and Grow Rich-The Legacy

  This movie is based on the world best seller book Think and Grow Rich (Author Mr Napoleon Hill).
This is a documentary movie and available on You tube,Netflix and amazon prime.This movie give you a message that how successful people think and after this thinking they are become rich.If you are going to be rich and how rich people think then watch this movie.

4.The Game Changers

  This movie change your mind that non-wage is best food in world and from this you get protein.This movie show you that the plant base diet is best in this world and by eating this diet you achieve any of your goal if your a sports person as well.

5.Inside Bills Brain

  This is a documentary movie based on world richest man Mr Bill Gate.This movie give you lesson about Bill Gate Thinking and how he support the world after going from Microsoft,childhood of Bill Gate.From this movies you understand the value of planning and reading books.

6. Mohammad Ali

   This movie show you the power of attitude and biography of Mohammad Ali.In very young age 21 year he is a heavy weight champion in boxing and in his life out of 55 fight he win 52 fight.This movie so you if your attitude is high you change the world.

   From this movie you see how a simple man become so powerful and achieve success and inspire so many person in this world.

8.The Aviator

9.The Founder

10.The Pursuit of Happiness

11.Money Ball

12.Flash Of a Genius

13. Upstarts

14.The Secret

15.The Intern


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