What Is Kaizen ? Goals , Types , Advantage Of Kaizen


 What is Kaizen ? Kaizen Example and Principle, Continuous Improvement Cycle

Content Of This Post

  • Meaning Of Kaizen
  • Definition Of Kaizen
  • Continuous Improvement Cycle
  • Principle and Elements Of Kaizen
  • Major Goal Of Kaizen
  • Core Of Kaizen
  • Types Of Kaizen
  • Example
  • Advantage Of Kaizen

Headline of Kaizen is “Everyone Everyday Everywhere”

Meaning Of Kaizen :-

         Kaizen is made with two Japanese words Kai + Zen and its meaning in English is 
    Kai     +      Zen
Change        For Better
( बदलाव अच्छे के लिए )

Definition Of Kaizen :-

            Kaizen is a Japanese term and the meaning of Kaizen In English is "Change For The Better" or "Continuous Improvement." This tool is develop by Japanese and it is a business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously improve operations of any organisation with involvement of all employees from workers to top management.

                  And Kaizen is develop by Mr Masaaki Imai he is a Japanese organizational theorist and management consultant. 

Continuous Improvement Cycle :-

What are the elements or Basis Principle of kaizen? :-

        There are 5 principle of Kaizen
  1. Teamwork
  2. Personal Discipline
  3. Improved Morale
  4. Quality Circles
  5. Suggestions For Improvement

Major Goal Of Kaizen :-

            By using 5 principle of kaizen there are three goals of kaizen

Core Of Kaizen:-

            The core of kaizen are
  • Know your Customer, 
  • Let it Flow, 
  • Go to Gemba, 
  • Empower People 
  • Be Transparent. 
    The implementation of those 5 principles in any organization is very important for a successful Continuous Improvement in process or culture and because of this there is big turning point in the progress of quality, productivity, and labor-management relations.

Some Example Of Kaizen :-

Types Of Kaizen:-

            There are 4 types of kaizen
  1. Kaizen Teian - Bottom Up Improvement
  2. Kaizen Events - Defined Improvement
  3. Kaikaku - Radical Change
  4. Kakushin - Break Through Innovation

Who Does Kaizen ?

Advantage Of Kaizen:-

  1. Improve Floor Housekeeping Or 5S
  2. Improve Quality
  3. Improve Productivity
  4. Time Saving
  5. Space Saving
  6. Cost Saving
  7. Reduced Accident
  8. Increase Manpower Moral
  9. Teaches Worker how to solve everyday problem
  10. Reduced Waste like Inventory waste,Time waste,Worker Motion

You Must Know That :-

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